
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Passageway to Light
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
As Yule approaches, we celebrate the return of the growing light and honor the Great Cosmic Mother as She labors to bring the Sun to glorious birth. In alignment with nature, we ask ourselves what light we wish to spark and bring to the world. And in doing so, how will we make our way through the passageway to light?

Sunday Nov 09, 2014
A Helping Hand
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, a time to offer our gratitude for our blessings. How might we raise the level of our gratitude?
Choose to offer a helping hand!

Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Our Ancestral Roots
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
Sunday Oct 12, 2014
The veil grows thin between the world of the living and the world of the dead as Samhain approaches. At this time we seek to connect with the spirits of our Beloved Dead. In doing so, we encounter the roots of our family and world tree, and come to understand ourselves more fully.

Sunday Sep 14, 2014
A Time to Mature
Sunday Sep 14, 2014
Sunday Sep 14, 2014
The season shifts, the harvest ripens, it's time to move on. When we remain present with nature's truth and follow the maturing Wheel as it turns through the seasons, change is filled with beauty.
Join us on this day to celebrate fourteen years of worship together!

Sunday Aug 10, 2014
Finned, Feathered, Furred and Four Legged
Sunday Aug 10, 2014
Sunday Aug 10, 2014
At this service will bless the animals with whom we share our Earthly journey! There will also be an altar on site where you can place photos, pet toys, collars, leashes, or any item associated with them to be blessed.
Our grateful hearts fill with love as we contemplate the unconditional love of our animal companions.

Sunday Jul 13, 2014
An Act of Faith
Sunday Jul 13, 2014
Sunday Jul 13, 2014

Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Father's Day
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
The Knights of King Arthur's Round Table embark on a quest for the Holy Grail and scatter like seeds carried by the wind. What they are pursuing is the Goddess! This ancient tale might just as well relay our searching and longing in present time. Join us to examine this myth as it applies today and celebrate and honor our beautiful men in our special Father's Day service!

Sunday May 11, 2014

Sunday Apr 13, 2014
The Moon
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Sunday Apr 13, 2014
Our beautiful celestial Goddess is romantic, psychic, reflective.
As the ever-changing One, She rules the ebb and flow of the worlds' waters, and the tides of our lives as well.
Is it such a bad thing to be a Lunatic?

Sunday Mar 09, 2014
A Change in Heart
Sunday Mar 09, 2014
Sunday Mar 09, 2014
Our open and loving hearts can be our greatest gifts to the world. It is best not to allow external circumstances to determine our emotional well-being, yet since we are not separate from our world, we can't help being affected by it. We must cultivate ways to change our hearts so that we may keep love flowing no matter what is going on around us.